Cash-based transfers: 6 reasons why it works
Cash transfer programmes are at the frontline of national governments’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ranging from bank notes to e-money and debit cards to value vouchers, cash transfers are integral to many countries’ social protection systems, buffering the worst socio-economic effects of the crisis. In 2019, WFP transferred US$ 2.1 billion — 38 percent of its total assistance — to 28 million people in 64 countries across the world.
But what effect did cash transfers have on people’s lives? What can we learn from the evidence?
A new evidence summary captures lessons from 23 WFP-commissioned evaluations and inter-agency humanitarian evaluations published between 2014 and 2020. It brings together evidence from Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Nigeria, Syria, El Salvador, Guatemala, Somalia, and others.
The summary highlights six main effects that cash-based transfers had:
1. Food security gains
The majority of interventions where cash transfer programmes were applied — whether conditional or unconditional, and regardless of the modality (cash, voucher, a combination or ‘choice’) — indicated improved food security for beneficiaries for programme duration. Where unrestricted cash was provided, high levels of expenditure on food were reported.
2. Enhanced livelihoods
An evaluation of the collective response to Typhoon Haiyyan and an evaluation in Kenya, found that conditional cash transfer programmes, such as cash for assets which included carpentry training, were more successful than unconditional cash transfers in supporting people to regain livelihoods.
In Kenya, host community traders — contracted to serve refugee beneficiaries — provided goods, labour and other services to refugee neighbours in return for cash.
3. Improved dietary diversity
The use of cash/vouchers, as opposed to in-kind delivery, was shown to enhance dietary diversity in South Sudan and Zimbabwe, as cash could be used to buy a variety of foods not included in in-kind assistance.
In Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq, WFP beneficiaries in receipt of cash transfers had higher dietary diversity scores relative to non-beneficiaries.
4. Investment in education and health where cash transfers were conditional
In Ecuador, the use of cash transfers conditioned on nutrition and health training was found to support beneficiaries’ investment in the education and health of their families.
5. Increased dignity
The use of cash — as opposed to vouchers, and whether conditional or unconditional — had positive effects on beneficiaries’ dignity in Somalia and Ecuador.
In Ecuador, for example, beneficiaries reported they were less likely to be treated as ‘second class’ customers by vendors. In South Sudan, the predictability and timeliness of cash transfers also supported dignity.
6. Supporting local economic development
Evaluation found positive effects of cash transfer programmes on local economic development. For example, in Lebanon, a WFP-commissioned study found that, for every US$1 spent directly on cash transfers, an additional US$1.51 was generated in local economic activity.
In Zimbabwe and Kenya, cash-based interventions supported local markets by stimulating demand for local goods; in Kenya, the monthly volume of sales by local traders increased by up to 94%.
However, it must be stated that some evaluations also found negative effects on the local economy where cash transfer schemes were extended over time. For example, in Jordan, an evaluation of WFP’s cash-based response to the Syrian regional crisis recommended that WFP carefully monitor the local rental market and informal lending to ensure that cash did not have a negative effect on rent prices or create increased pressure for beneficiaries to pay off debts.
What lessons emerged from the evidence?
The summary provides 12 lessons to help enhance the positive effects of cash-based programmes, and to reduce any risks which might impede effectiveness.
1. Prioritize analysis, even under emergency conditions
2. Plan across the humanitarian–development nexus from the design stage
3. Adopt a coordinated approach
4. Maximize the benefits of technology while keeping beneficiary experience in view
5. Build flexibility into transfer values for maximum effectiveness
6. Address national priorities and secure political will to ensure sustainability
7. Prioritize sensitization of local communities to reduce social tensions
8. Temper beneficiary modality preference — often for unrestricted cash — with contextual conditions
9. Communicate targeting criteria with a focus on equity
10. Embed robust safeguards against beneficiary exploitation
11. Build in gender and protection concerns from the start
12. Adopt a systematic approach to accountability to affected populations
Read the full evidence summary on cash-based transfers here.